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Lower Secondary

(Ages 11-14)

Use Cambridge secondary Checkpoint to assess learners at the end of the lower secondary programme (Stage 9).
The tests are marked by Cambridge International for English, mathematics and science. It gives valuable feedback on learners’ strengths and weaknesses before they progress to the next stage of education and provides schools with an external international benchmark for learner performance. Each learner receives a statement of achievement from Cambridge.

Feedback reports

Schools use the feedback from Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint to make strategic decisions, drawing upon a pool of information and specialist reporting tools that we have built into the tests. You can use the reports to:

  • Tailor individual learning programmes
  • Monitor group and individual performance
  • Compare the performance of all learners taking tests in that session
  • Manage learning programmes within schools and as learners move between schools

The test feedback measures a learner’s performance in relation to:

  • The Curriculum framework
  • Their teaching group
    • a whole school cohort
    • previous years’ learners

Learner report

The report on a learner provides a:

  • Score for the whole subject
  • Score for each main topic/skill
  • List of the questions (and the sub-topics/skills) where the candidate’s performance was particularly strong or particularly weak
  • Statement of achievement

Teaching group report

The report on a teaching group (or class) includes:

  • An average score for the whole subject
  • An average score for each main topic/skill
  • A list of sub-topics/skills with comments on the performance of the group
  • The scores of each learner on the subject and on each main topic/skill
  • The marks scored by each learner on each question.

School report

The report on a school provides:

  • An average score for the whole subject
  • An average score for each main topic/skill
  • A list of sub-topics/skills with comments on the performance of the learners.

End of series report

The end of series report gives the whole cohort’s results, from all schools worldwide, broken down by age and first language, so that schools can compare their own results with those of similar learners. The report also gives the examiner’s comments on the test.

Two exam series available: May or October